Only five days till election day Arizona ! - How will I vote on the issues?

Day 546, 03:01 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick
Sweden VS Germany
I am very dissatisfied with congress at the moment for selling out Germany.

It does not make any sense whatsoever for Sweden to make a move on Germany while Atlantis is on crisis mode since Romania's recent defeats. Instead of making enemies we should be finding new friends to strengthen the alliance. I understand Sweden and Germany have bad history but these bad feelings must take the backseat to the larger issues. There will be no positive outcome for anyone, no one will win except for PEACE.

If elected in time to debate this issue, I will demand that the US honor its commitment to both Sweden and Germany. - Defend both from each others aggression and recognize both of their right to sovereignty - The sooner this conflict is over, the better.


UPDATE: Now Poland has declared war on Germany.
We might as well consider this the end of Atlantis.

I would now support legislation to formally end our affiliation to Atlantis and pursue our own set of alliances regardless of PEACE Atlantis affiliation.

UPDATE: Has already been done.

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Impeach Scrabman?


I for one will not support any legislation to impeach Scrabman unless he were to become erratic or dangerous to US security, (which he has not done so, as of yet). When the US failed to capture Russia emotions ran high, which is completely understandable but some called for heads to roll for the failure (including military Generals). You do not abandon ship because the outcome was different from what we all had hoped for. The defeat was inevitable, we can only learn from that day and do everything to prevent it from happening again.

I voted for Desert Falcon in every single Presidential election that i participated in except for the last one were i voted for Scrabman. He has shown the US reasonable leadership which the last US president (Uncle Sam) lacked. He is not making enemies/recruiting members to PEACE like Uncle Sam. Scrabman has forged strong alliances with our neighbors and i believe we are closer to them then ever before at the moment...

Don't get me wrong, I disagree with him on many points, especially the German question. However he has proven himself to be a competent world leader. And I believe to change leadership during this critical moment in eHistory to be dangerous.

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Minimum Wage: Should remain the same: 1USD

Citizen Fee: Should remain the same: 5USD

Economic Embargo: All Major Peace Members
- (Something which not all congressmen agree on) Italy, Hungary, Russia, Turkey, Indonesia, Maybe some Latin American nations as well. Anything which will weaken the forces of PEACE at any given time.

Peace with Brazil : Yes

Taxes: As a conservative I endorse reasonably low taxes. The rate for each sector should change up or down depending on the appropriate environment.

I want to promote domestic Iron companies to lower our dependency on foreign sources. Since Romania fell the market has been in chaos. In the future I want to make sure that despite international results our market remains stable. (I am not discouraging investors from going to Spain, just to reconsider their location for economic security - perhaps with an incentives program)

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Political Takeovers: I do not support this tactic on neutrals or allies unless it is to counter act PEACE takeovers. Hungary Italy and Indonesia are infamous for these tactics, and I will not sit idle and let them get away with another Estonia Latvia or Lithuania like takeover.

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Win or lose, I want to help establish an organized Anti Cheating Campaign. This game is turning out to be a contest of who can cheat more to win, rather a competition of tactics and brute force. The admins are slow to do anything to stop this menace, so in the mean time we must help spot and report these activities to admin whenever possible. I have already asked congress to form a committee to debate this issue in the forums, hopefully it bring some good.

(look at what happened to Serbia)

Have I missed a topic? post below and i will answer honestly.