Once Again...

Day 1,032, 05:41 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

I am running for congress for the second time in my elife.

I shall not make you any promises except this: I will do my best.

I will do my best to fuel the Canadian economy and still keep the people happy. Donations, taxes and all that, they will be balanced to what YOU want. If you are an Ontarioan an you do not like a law that has been proposed, you just need to PM on why you don't like it. Armed with that regular citizen's feelings, I will then make the descision on what is best for Canada AND the people. Because all politicians are at the mercy of the people. The community gets them elected, and doesn't get them elected. And so, all politicians who have ever been elected should be grateful, as I am, that the people chose them over countless others. I am still extremely grateful to the people for my last Congressional victory.

Since I will be at the mercy of the people if elected, all you have to do is ask, and I will review the situation.

So please, on September 25th,

Vote for me,
Vote for someone who will do what YOU, as a society, want, because,
YOU decide the laws by choosing your politician!

So Vote For Me!

George Beeman