On a Sustainable Future on Earth

Day 1,753, 10:17 Published in Netherlands Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

I think there is a misunderstanding of what a sustainable future means, and I also think there are far too few people who realize that if humans as a species continue to damage the incredibly complex and extremely fragile ecosystems present on this earth, at the rate we are currently damaging them, there will be nothing left to sustain in the future. When you deforest, or hunt animals to the brink of extinction, you eliminate pieces of a massively complex ecosystem that thrives on a large amount of both botanic and animal biodiversity. If you slowly (note we aren't doing this very slowly, rather quickly in fact) eliminate the elements that make up the biodiversity that allows an ecosystem to thrive, that ecosystem will inevitably collapse. The conservation of every life form on the planet is essential. Most of it was here before we were, and humans have become entirely alien to this world. We are reliant on nature in literally every way imaginable, so I urge you to make a conscious effort to stop ruining your home, and the home of billions of different life forms.

We, as humans, are the ultimate species on this planet, therefore, we should be effectively preserving life on this planet, rather than destroying it in some ill-fated attempt to build more things we simply do not need, and should be accosted for continuing to create. We are an absolutely incredible race, but we have become a terroristic threat to all life on this planet, including our own. People need to wake up and realize that the time for skepticism is over.

We are facing real problems with more severe consequences than you can imagine; the end of most life on this planet. We are currently unsustainable, that is a fact. We will grow to between 8 and 10 billion people by 2050, that number will be impossible to sustain if we don't make the necessary changes now. You people, us, our generation, we have an opportunity and a challenge that no other era of humans has ever had; saving the world, the whole world. We need to spend our money and resources MUCH, MUCH more wisely, and we need to make changes that will actually make a difference. A wind farm will do nothing in a country that is technologically several decades, if not the lager part of a century, behind a country like the USA, or China, or Russia. We need to focus on expediting every country on earth into a technological age focused on restoration, and we need a safe retreat from the methods currently used for development.

What this world needs is very necessary and LONG overdue revolution. And not the kind that will lead to war and violence, that is a lamentable step in the completely wrong direction, and may actually be worse than doing nothing at all. No, we need an era of enlightenment, ego death, conservation, and restoration. We need to create rules that regulate how much is taken from the earth, and implement laws that obligate restoration of what is taken. That is a very simple concept; give and receive. It will be hard, it will be the hardest thing humanity has faced, but it MUST be dealt with, it is absolutely imperative. There is nothing else if this problem goes unresolved. If you value life on this earth, and the continuation of not only humans, but every species on earth, I urge you to research sustainable life on this planet, and I urge you to do everything you can to help. This problem has been known about and for decades, and now push has come to shove; we can ignore this no longer.

Please, all of you, do something. Be the change this world needs. If our generation does not act, our children and their children will hate us, and scorn us, and history will remember us the last chance that was never taken for mankind. Our inaction will doom this world and the entirety of its future. That is a fact. Please don't ignore this. There is nothing, LITERALLY NOTHING, more important.

I apologize if this is irrelevant to eRepublik and if it gets deleted by admins, so be it.