Oklahoma Update: ARIZONA, I CHOOSE YOU!!!

Day 1,190, 15:35 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

I have great news, after discussing my options with the USWP, UIP, and Feds, I will be running for re-election in my home state of Arizona under the USWP banner. I ask for my Oklahoman friends to join me... Vote E.R. in AZ.

The USWP originally wanted me to run in Montana however a friend of mine was already running there in the UIP, I contacted the USWP & UIP and asked if I could run elsewhere. Then suddenly I was offered Nebraska by the Feds. (while all this was going on my computer caught a virus so my ability to log in the last few days was slacking) So needless to say the last few days were chaotic. but thankfully we all came to an agreement that I would run in my homestate of Arizona (which was released by Poland from our rental agreement).

If you're not yet familiar with me and what i've done this past month, please review my senate reports. If you beleive in me and the work I have done then vote to reelect me in Arizona. With that said, If you feel that I have failed you or the other candidates can do a better job - then by all means vote for one of my opponents.

First Week: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/end-of-the-week-ok-senate-report-1659024/1/20
Second Week: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/early-end-of-the-week-ok-senate-report-2-1666134/1/20
Third Week: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/end-of-the-week-ok-senate-report-3-1674857/1/20
Fourth Week: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/end-of-the-week-ok-senate-report-4-1683080/1/20

I will post my final weeks report on election day
This will include my extensive review of the recent constitutional amendment that was passed in Congress regarding the military.

I want to wish my opponents good luck. Ill see you all on election day.