Number ≠ Power?

Day 2,010, 13:44 Published in Switzerland Austria by Kaad

Dear readers,

Today's article will speak about an observation that I made during my short eLife.

When I was eYoung, I was citizen of a 250 citizens country, eBelgium. Time pass, I moved to ePeru that was composed of 700 citizens at that time (and now 10x more, due to a babyboom?). Now, I'm eSwiss like 340 others.

What does these numbers mean? It means that 340 citizens of eSwitzerland have logged in the past 30 days. It does not mean that they were online everyday or have done something while logged in.

We can hypothese that 1/4 of them log in everyday (=85, look to CP votes to get a close number). But nobody is playing the same way! Some of the 85 logged only for training and working, some fight also but without weappons. We could hypothese that these are a bit more than 50% (=45). In the 40 remaining, some are managing their companies, some are reading newspapers, some by weappons to fight hard. Less than half of them are doing more. Almost 20 are working in the government or coming on irc or writting articles or take really care about the large potencial of the game. These 20 are the citizens that could give very hard damage in case of the country is at war and deal with it very quicly. They are also acting in the future of the country.

It means that 6% of the eSwiss are influencing the game a lot.

So than how only 20 people are able to keep a country safe while another with much more citizens can't? (take the exemple of eFrance)

Maybe the alliances and geography is a first answer. If you live near a country that have much more citizens and allies, you don't have a lot of chance to resist if you are enemy, such as eGermany occupied by ePoland. Switzerland with its CoT membership and friendly relationship between CoTWO kept peace in eSwitzerland. But as a CoTWO war seems now closer to us each day, we will see what's going on.
Countries like France that is surrounded only by CoT and TWO countries were not saved by wars. and were easily wiped unless they were more active players.

We saw that when eFrance attacked eBelgium and was close to being defeated with 10x more citizens.

Another important point is that there's a huge diffence between ePolish and eFrench: ePoland has two times more citizens, but they have much more higer lvls that can deal huge damage!

And third point, more... hum, maybe the euro crisis is less severe in ePoland and allow more gold buyers 😛

Thanks for reading, voting and suscribing 😃

For some fun in this eWorld,