Number Of Regions in Certain Countries

Day 1,083, 07:42 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

Did the admins think when they assigned the number of regions to the countries? They obviously have no formula. I understand for all the federalist countries (nations with provinces or states, etc), but honestly, the UK?! 11 original regions for a country 40 times smaller than Canada! The UK should have maximum 4 regions: Wales, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland. Also, Uruguay has 1 region, whilst Serbia has 7, and is half the size of Uruguay!? I am not just picking on PHOENIX. Italy has 20 original regions! Then you look at Russia and they have 11 original regions while being the world’s biggest country. France has 22 original regions while Iran has 12, and Iran is over twice as big as France. I find that the perfect size of regions are either Pakistan’s original regions or Romania’s for the smaller European countries. The current system makes it basically impossible to wipe France or Italy, but insanely easy to wipe Russia or Canada. But really admins, just Québec or FER are bigger than most countries. And how the hell does Montenegro end up with three regions and the Czech Republic has the same number?

(Seriously, WTF were they thinking???)

Another region problem is that Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and BC are deformed (British Columbia, not Tem’s brain). There are probably more deformed regions, but these are the ones that have come to my attention.

Don’t forget to vote and sign this petition to find a real formula for regions!

George Beeman