Notes from 16 Wetstraat/Rue de la Loi, Day 1069

Day 1,069, 20:48 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

Hello, eBelgium,

There is a lot going on in eBelgium on this election eve. Even at this late hour, there are people moving about here in Brussels, talking about what the new day may bring.

Of great interest is the pending MPP with eSerbia, intended to bring you more opportunities to fight. We are very grateful to all those who have contributed to our fundraising efforts for this cause, and want to remind you it is not too late to donate to the NBB-BNB to do your bit for our eNation. The vote for this latest pact has passed in both countries, but due to an apparent world-wide game glitch it has not yet taken effect. Watch for your next battle opportunities and daily battle orders from the Ministry of National Security. Everyone should subscribe to this and all government newspapers to keep informed on the latest news. A list with links for these can be found here.

Also of interest is the election of the new Congress. As Country President, I will avoid partisan endorsements at this time, but want to urge you all to vote and vote wisely. The people you elect will have some major decisions to make in the coming month, and we want you to be represented by those who will serve you best. Read the party newspapers for lists of candidates, as well as individual presentations, and consider carefully what the candidates have done and what they say they will do for you and eBelgium. There are many well qualified candidates, but also some who have very little to offer. To get a clearer idea, check the national forum for activity. You can also see a list of everyone who has contributed to our MPP fund here. Everyone on this list has sacrificed from his own resources to give you a better experience with this game, and you may wish to consider this as an indicator of who might serve you well in other ways.

Is your Congress member seated here?

While you are checking the national forum for activity levels, look around to see what else is going on. There are tutorials, discussions about a variety of topics, and even rumors of a werewolf roaming our streets!

These are exciting days for eBelgium. Watch the news so you don't miss any of the opportunities coming your way. Stay alert, stay smart, and most of all, have fun!

Eendracht maakt macht/L'union fait la force/Unity makes power