No need to read this, it's just my congress presentation

Day 1,067, 06:02 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

Do you know why you should choose me?


Well because:

I think we need to lower import taxes, because it is now very hard to import to Canada, as we have taxes at 99% except Iron, which is at 50%. If you want to import to Canada, you have to pay a lot of money. Ex: You import some Stone. Stone is priced at 0.02 CAD. With a 99% tax, that is about 0.04 CAD per unit. Now imagine you wanted to import 2000 units, at 0.02 = 20 CAD. Now, due to tax, that costs 40 CAD. what company owner wants to export to Canada now? We will then increase our foreign relations with other EDEN members. Plus, Poland is the most powerful country in the game, and their taxes are at 5%. I don,t think ours should be that low for all, but more around 30-40%.

And of course, I will try to do my duty with the usual donations and printing.

(This WILL happen again! We WILL CRUSH the United Faildom! EDEN WILL WIN!)
All alliances will be voted yes, as we need as many friends as we can get. And ars too, but we already have opened all wars possible vs PHOENIX, so...

So, summed up: Lower Import Taxes on as many things possible; Usual boring stuff like printings and donations; and as many alliances and wars as we can get and fund. And, I am super active, and most certainly NOT a 2-clicker. Or a butt, like 1ronman and Tem.

Please vote for me!
George Beeman