Naming and Shaming

Day 764, 16:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

Hello all,

Just a small back up article to DashRiprocks TD performance and participation tracker article which can be found here

From this Article we can see a lot of people who are very active and safe votes when it comes to the congress elections we can also see those who are not.

All together there were 4 inactive and un-present congress members from this term.


Don Tanatos

Kasza keekess


Areiopac_a as you can see is a member of IV and as one of the responsibility’s PP's have is that the congress members they put up for election are active and will benefit the country obviously with no post or votes Areiopac_a has not fulfilled this duty thus meaning neither had the PP at the time.

Don Tantos is also another one of these inactive and un-present congress members this term, He is not a member of a party so he will not be running this term. With no vote or posts maybe this is for the better.

Kasza Keekess is a member of Saoirse, he was inactive this term and is running again lets hope the PP this time can convince him to be active in the Dail unlike his previous term, it would be better to vote for a proven candidate than this one.

oqpniaczek is also a member of IV but an original candidate for ISD, he has no posts and no votes just like Areiopac_a, I hope this terms PP backs proven candidate with votes from the party as it will benefit the country.

I can't stress enough how important it is to elect active members of eIreland too congress, with a whole set of active members in congress our country will reach its full potential.
PP's if you really want your country to good and not just make your Party look good you would be wise to do a background check on your candidates, don't just endorse those who put there name in the topic on the forum or sent you a PM.

Dash's PPT is an important gift, use it wisely. It is there to help you and the country.

Also I am running for congress this term so please Vote orangejuicemmm in the southeast.
Thank you