My Platform for eRFC Party President

Day 232, 10:43 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

As you may know I am running for party president of the Erepublikans for Change party. I am about to list the reasons why I think I am the better candidate but first I would like to negate some criticisms from my opponent. First off just because I do not post an article for my campaign every two days does not mean I do not want the job. I feel that I can get the same message across in one big article rather then making a few short ones and bumping other articles down the list. I could divide this article into four separate articles if I wanted to its just I believe in quality over quantity.

TGM also says he is more active then me but I think he has activity in Erepublik confused with being known by him. Though we have not often run into each other I have been quite active in my 100+ days of Erepublik only missing work once because the server was down. I have not been that active in the chat room but that is simply because I like most other Emericans did not know we even had one. I think it is a great tool to use but I never would of known about it had I not of been browsing through some old stuff written by Dish. If you need more proof that I am active just look at this paper. I am not saying TGM is not a very active member I am simply saying that is unfair to criticize me for not taking a part in a chat room that I knew nothing about and since I have found out about it I have taken accustom to showing up often.

Now that I have gotten that out of the way I will list the reasons of why you should vote for me.

1. I would be able to get our message across better. I have been writing articles as long as I have been here and I probably spend about three or four hours a week writing articles many of which make it into the top 5. The experience I have gained from those past few months gives me reason to believe I have the edge when it comes to me writing articles and press releases promoting our parties ideals.

2. If elected I would do my best to build onto what Dish has done. Like I have said in my interview I would like to implement some sort of RFC convention where once a month anyone regardless of party could come and discuss issues that our party should address. I would also work to make our chat room more well known as there is a great deal of people who still don’t know about and probably won’t find out about unless we publicize it more.

3. I have learned from experience the results of different leadership. I have seen our nation in complete disorganization when Nave began the war with Canada and the planned succession of Hawaii by former president Korbin King because of the weakened economy. I know when it is good to step in and put my foot down and I know when it is good to let things just take their course.

4. If I win I feel that I am capable of running for president of the country. Though I will focus on keeping the party active and continuing to run the successful programs Dish has established during the first few days of my term I figure that I will be ready to run for president in August. Now I would be an underdog seeing as it would be my first term as a party president but I believe that I understand things global economics fairly well and the military side of things very well. Even if I lost it would be a good way to bring publicity to our party. However I recognize that the good of the party trumps my running for president and I would make sure that the party is in best possible shape before running.

5. I have a plan to get new people more active into our party. Most people believe that to get more votes for your party you need to get out and recruit successfully. Though I do believe that is true I do not think it stops there. As I said earlier I believe in quality over quantity and we have seen that with our party in the last local elections. Even though the Libertarian party has over fifty more members then our party we finished the general elections only five votes behind them for congress. This is because even though we are not the largest party we are by far the most active and I plan to increase this even more. Mostly my plan would entail more communication between the veteran players and the new citizens. It would be much like the current big brother big sister program however instead of just assisting the new players some of the veterans would help get the feet of the people who show promise wet when it comes to politics. They may help do research, look into something for them, or just sit in the chat room as they discus important matters. I believe that if we give new people something to do they would more incline to stay with the party.

I would like to go on but I realize this has already gotten quite long and that I have already covered most of the stuff I find important in there so I will just end it here. Thank you for your time and I hope you vote to make me your next president of the RFC party.