My New Years Resolution

Day 3,328, 02:24 Published in Japan Ireland by Galloglaigh

On New Years eve people around the world make resolutions that will improve their life in the next year to come. I am making a New Years Resolution not to spend any money on this game for an entire year. We've been waiting for a long time for improvements to the game and they have not come. The population of the game has dropped considerably with only a small resurgence during the 9th Anniversary but by the first of January they have had all already moved on.

They have not uploaded Q6 and Q7 Houses.
They have not uploaded Perception Training.
They have not uploaded Q2-Q7 Aircraft Companies.
They have not made any progress on Regional Governments.
They have not made a Cost applied on Dictatorships.

I hope you join me in the New Year, by not spending money on this Game.