My Fallen Star

Day 1,949, 16:46 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

I find myself standing in the tower of the Union buildings in Meintjieskop, Arcadia, Pretoria. I find myself thinking back to a simpler time as I look out at the sky, to a moment that passed me by, like all the dreams lost and tossed along the way.

In the dark of a room that seemed to swallow all the light that came into it from the sun, I lay in bed with a fellow orphan of fate, who'd long since chosen to hide with me from a world torn apart. We'd grown up together way to fast, with nothing to believe, with re-runs that seemed to have become our history, as we lay night after night listening to a tired song on a tired radio.

On this particular night, I traced a scar I'd grown fond of despite the sadness of its very memory, as she told me how she felt lost in a world that seemed to want her to be a star. A role neither of us would admit I'd thrust her into without proper warning.

Our nights have become shorter as the hole between us grows wider, the world feeds her lies, while hiding the things they dare to never show her, to give her freedom to a love that goes on, as she grows colder, as the world turns over, and she's not thinking about tomorrow, that's a shame.

I think about her all the time, I picture her in the sky, a thousand others could never reach her, how can I be the one? I see the world spin beneath her, and scatter like ice, as angels fall because there is no time left for losin, and they will indeed fall, when she stands.

Because baby's Black Balloon makes her fly...