My Dealings with a foreign capitalist

Day 376, 11:10 Published in Japan Portugal by Arthk

Today, I was approached by a spainiard, who wished to buy all of our Q3 weapons.
he offered to donate the jpy to me, i would buy the weapons, and he would reimburse me in gold.
I responded with a no, because I am a man of the people, not of a foreign capitalist
his messages
his name:Jiji Becali
message 1:
hi... i need your help

can u buy for me al weapons q3 at 18,xx JPY? i'll doinate u the money +bonus... for disturbing u 😃

My response:
i don't know if i can do that.
i am a japanese congressman after all

message 2:
man... pls... u have JPY... buy al 23+2 q3 weapons on Japan market an i donate u gold... more that u spent in JPY...
think about...
25q3 x 19 JPY = 475
i'll donate u 6,5 gold

and my response:
i am sorry
you should find someone else to do this
i am a man of the japanese people, not of a foreign buyer

I will continue to fight for you, the japanese people, as long as I am in congress