Mr President Wolontario

Day 382, 04:45 Published in India Italy by Ipnotik

Congratulation Wolontario, the new indian President. 🙂

I want with this article explain every critics against him and his party (critics moved by a small part of the country, becouse he has won the elections).

Wolontario is italian, im italian too. But when we came here we decided to be INDIAN.
Nobody can say: you are less indian then me. We are indian like everyone here. We care of this country and we decided to manage it.

The money of the bank were given to the italian government to pay the costs of the war of liberation (more than 200 gold of costs). They need these money yesterday becouse they were involved in many wars. They helped us, we helped them.
This is the true, don't care on what spanish or hollands say. They are just making opposition, but this is not the right way to opposite to a new president.

Let us show you what we can do to this country. But we need your help.
We need the help of everyone that loves this country!
The big problem is that we don't have enough population: contact friends, or make articles to invite people to come here! We can make new companies if there are new citizens: companies of houses, food, and everything necessary for the India.
Italia needs raw too. Personally i think that if other countries want, they can come here and take our raws to export them to that country. They pay taxes, so we are happy to receive them.

We are a country now. A REAL COUNTRY with a President that can decide. We have to start to make the NEW INDIA.