More training wars with Sol!

Day 697, 06:51 Published in USA Ireland by ChewChewShoe
More training wars with Sol!

How come the government still attacks Hungary?

By attacking Hungary the government and the people only loses money and the government makes the US look like pathetic losers to the rest of the eWorld.

Seriously.. What do we gain by losing battles against Hungary?
Wouldn't it be much better to have more training wars with Sol instead?

They've got training wars almost every day.
And if we joined them every day for let's say a month, the American people would advance in the military.

Higher rank = Higher damage, right?
Sure, our people advance in ranks by fighting against Hungary, but so does the Hungarian people.
By participating in the Sol training wars our people advance militarily, without helping the Hungarians advance in their ranks.

After a month training with Sol our nations average military rank would be higher. Not the Hungarians on our expense.

That gives us a bigger chance of winning a battle against Hungary, right?
And besides, we would save loads of money, wouldn't we?

I say we train with Sol more often, and stop attacking Hungary before we even have a chance of winning.


Oh, and yes. I've come up with a little idea for my newspaper.

Harrison Richardson uploads a picture of a hot girl in the end of every article, so perhaps I can give you a song after every article of mine?

Sound like a pretty good idea, huh? Like a music tip.

So, the first song will be:
Rise Against - The Good Left Undone



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ChewChewShoe, General Director of The Crossover.