More social and active eNorway?

Day 2,178, 20:21 Published in Norway Finland by WP Attak
Any ideas?

How do we create more interesting, social and active eNorway?

This is what we should aim to be!

eNorway cannot become a true powerful nation here without active players. We all need to contribute. What type of social discussion (besides current forums and irc) do you want to see in-game? Here are few ideas! Just comment on these or bring up your own ideas:

1) FUN (MU or party just dedicated for fun and stuff, gaming party, music MU, sports group in forums, travel lists ingame, ...)

2) Ideology (MU or party that mirrors against real life ideologies such as communism, protection of nature, freedom of speech, …)

3) Age groups (similar to the WP community of Finland, young players vs old players)

4) International groups (we are very much international and welcoming community so why not show it!)

We need ACTION! Or we are DEAD!

Note that we do not all need to agree on everything… But we can create a culture where all opinions are listened to without shooting down all opinions and starting a flame-war on all controversial ideas. We can show rest of the eWorld how community can discuss things in a positive tone, and without hate. This helps in growing our numbers not only through national recruiting but also from our allied nations.