Moo Last article and Important measage

Day 1,111, 09:08 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

Last article, will make it short. We won a battle against to the UK, AGAIN, in SE. Thanks to our Croatian brothers for that. There is no country that has come to our aid like them, we are forever in dept. Our Candian bros have been getting it a bit latly from the UK and there large number of MPP's. They lost in Shannon and several of there other regions recently. We tried to start a RW in Shannon and then anohter bug. Not a shock anymore.

Tonight I ask all Irish to fight 100% in Quebec. The Candians have helped us get our butt out of the fire a few times, tonight is our turn to return the favour. The help we give tonight is where friendships are based on, not nice words. Ireland needs to stand up and do major damge in this one. The line is drawn and we need to stand with our friends and fight. Can everyone shout Fight for Quebec.

Almost forgot, thanks to everyone for there support this month and good luck to who ever the next CP is. No time to spell check tongiht, fire away in comments.

EDIT: Things change too quick. Dublin is our capitial and is where we make a stand tonight. We will get back rest in RW quickly. Fight Dublin only tonight. please fight first thing in morning there too. if you need supplies see Boris on IRC.