Militant Queerness for Congress [SFP] VOTE NOW!

Day 3,134, 05:41 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

Did you know that 9 out of 11 eRepublik citizens in the latest polls said they hate the queers. "HANG THEM HIGH!", one anonymous respondent added. Another anonymous user in the poll responded by saying, "as the president I find the queers to be really gay". This is troubling in the modern eRepublik that people can be so much against queers. That is why I am running for congress as a militant queer in the SFP congressional primary.

My Platform

Be a contrarian in order to make daily simple administrative task as horrible as possible.

Allocate a large amount of public funding to queer media sources.

Bring an end to the dictatorship.

Impeach Yui.

A tax refund policy that gives only to citizens that are queer or show submission to their queer masters.

Establishment of a secret gay police to arrest gay hating dissidents.

Annexation of Canada so it can be a semi-autonomous queer nation in eUSA.

MPP with the Russians try to rebuild that bridge.

What you can do?

Tell you friends about the cause.

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Join the SFP so you can fight for these ideals and support me in the primary.

Publicly shame Major Trite.