MEME #Darkside Competition - The WINNERS

Day 3,989, 03:25 Published in Romania Romania by Clopoyaur

With a big delay (caused by my laziness and RL things), here is the article with the conclusions of the MEME #Darkness Competition.

After a long process of counting votes (yeah, more complicated than EuroVision and explained at the end of the article) we have the winners:

6th PLACE: Alias12 - Prize: 4000 cc

Good perception of how allies (troll) fight for eachother in Asteria HQ. 4th in the citizen vote

5th PLACE: MartinnSM - Prize: 7000 cc

Amazing MEME, 2nd in my favorite list and mentioned in the Top 5 of a lot of citizens.

4th PLACE: Samoletonosach - Prize: 12500 cc

I have not given many chances to this MEME first time I saw it, but it was the crowd favorite, tieing the winner for the most votes coming form the citizens. Apparently CO is just important in air battle 🙂

BRONZE MEDAL: Highfather - Prize: 25000 cc

5th in the citizen voting, 4th in my chart and 2nd by the number of article votes, this clumsy but very expressive MEME got everyones attention. So many subliminal messages here, that everyone can find an interesting meaning. Well deserved 3rd place.

SILVER MEDAL: Pun1sher - Prize: 50000 cc

The only animated MEME got everyones attention and was the most voted MEME by the citizens and pleased, for sure, all wrestling fans. Especially the ones of... Han Solo (shots fired 😛 )

THE WINNER: Casadelli - Prize: PowerPack

Even if entered the last one in the competition, this MEME drove everyone nuts, being among everybodys favorite (citizens, me, article votes). Well deserved win,. In the end...we all go to eheaven. Do you believe in Reincarnation? 🙂

CONGRATS to all participants and waiting for you again on my competitions or events, because no mattter how you put it, Erepublik is always way funnier when played together.
Here are the complete results:


How everything was calculate😛

a) Citizen vote
Everybody has the chance to vote for his favorite Top 5. First place got 7p, second place got 5 points, third got 4 points, fourth place got 3 points and fifth got 2 point. I opted for 7-5-4-3-2 instead of classical 5-4-3-2-1 because I think No.1 is special and always deserves more advantages while being in Top 5 means you are really good, getting a clear advantage over other MEMEs that did not made it to Top 5. In this way, over 40 people have voted. You can see everyones vote and the total in the "Voting" sheet.

b) Clopoyaur vote
Even if at start I wanted to vote only the Top 10, I considered that I should be a real judge and giove credit to every single MEME. So, I came up with a complete chart for all the MEMEs in the competition, 22 points being the max and 1 being the last in my standings.

c) Article vote
overhere was simple. I just checked each article and counted the number of votes for that article

For each section the maximum amount of points considered was 100, the MEME with the highest score getting 100.
So, for example in the citizen vote, the highest score was 161, that means if Highfather had 129, his score was 129/161*100 = 80.12 (basically the percentage of the best score 80😵
After score was calculated like this for each of the 3 sections, it was ponderated by importance as stated in the original article:
50% - the citizen vote
25% - my vote
25% - article votes

And finally this is the result:

A bit complicated but the most fair calculation (by my standards)

o7 Clopo