Maine Senator's Daily Congressional Report

Day 618, 16:23 Published in USA USA by seeker1

Day 616 and 617

7/28/2009: no votes

7/29/2009: Place Q5 Hospital in New York at the cost of 12500 USD No With the loss of California and other states the eUS has seen a substantial reduction of its revenue. Congress is already considering where to cut both the military and non-military budgets. We need all the USD and Gold we can save or get our hands on to give to our tanks and other military personnel optimal abilities to fight current battles. After the war will be the time to apply the lessons learned during this war to a rational plan for placement of infrastructure. A time of crisis and even panic is not an appropriate time to make such decisions.

7/29/2009: Donate 99999 USD to Congressional Budget Office Yes Routine money management measure.