Maine Senator's Daily Congressional Report

Day 616, 13:49 Published in USA USA by seeker1

Day 615

7/27/2009: Increase Value Added Tax on gifts from 1% to 5% Yes I have consistently voted against raising the VAT on weapons because that would increase their price for citizens not in the military. (Military members receive free weapons.) But circumstances have changed. The truth is we have lost substantial revenue from business located in conquered states. Moreover, our enemies can buy goods on our markets to use against us, as they did with gifts last night. The price of Q1 gifts increased about $1 in less than an hour, and remains at that price. An increased VAT will raise revenue both from our enemies and from eUS citizens. For the duration of the war, I will vote for further VAT increases. I came to this decision reluctantly and with difficulty. But the eUS is fighting for its very existence. We must do everything possible to allow its survival. This includes raising the revenue our military needs from any available source.

7/27/2009: Donate 41492 USD to Fort Knox Federal Reserve Yes Routine money management measure.

7/27/2009: Issue 80000 USD for 400 Gold Yes Stabilize the value of the USD.

Remember, at 1:00 this morning server time, you become a citizen of whatever country you are located in. To remain an eUS citizen, you must be in one of the free eUS states. Citizens located in occupied original eUS states will become citizens of the occupying country. Changing citizenship after 1:00 will be difficult.