Maine Senator's Daily Congressional Report

Day 614, 14:00 Published in USA USA by seeker1

Day 613

7/25/2009: Mutual Protection Pact with Croatia Yes European ally

7/25/2009: Increase value added taxes on weapons from 1% to 5% No I will not vote to raise cost of weapons to non-military citizens during a war.

7/25/2009: Transfer 38500 USD to the Congressional Budget Office Yes Routine money management measure.

I have received questions asking why we send so much money to the Congressional Budget Office and Fort Knox. Here is a brief explanation: We must vote (a vote requires 24 hours) every time we release money from the Treasury. To avoid having to vote on every expenditure, we vote to send the money to Organizations the Administration can draw money from when they need it. They can only spend money in the amounts and for purposes dictated by Congressional budget. Only 1 or 2 in the administration have the password for the orgs. So they are reasonably secure.