Maine Senator's Daily Congressional Report

Day 609, 13:04 Published in USA USA by seeker1

Day 608

The war emergency has greatly decreased Congressional activity. The mechanics of eRepublic put most decisions about war strategies and tactics in the control of the Country President. Congress is relegated to a support position. We respond to financing requests and try to help our constituents--especially when our states that are invaded or in danger of being invaded.

We cannot know what may happen to Maine. But we are on the original Canadian boarder. Right now (7/21/2009), France could invade at any time. Were that to happen, I and the Administration would do everything possible to help all of you evacuate to a state in the US, preferably New Jersey, Florida or Kansas. If Maine were successfully conquored, you would have to move to a neutral country, then back to the US.

With this uncertainty in mind, I again urge you not to wait. Send a PM to Chris Stanwick ( to get a free moving ticket and MOVE. We can all return to Maine at the end of hostilities.

7/20/2009: Transfer 56000 USD to Ft. Knox Federal Reserve Yes Routine money management measure.