Maine Senator's Congressional Report

Day 630, 12:13 Published in USA USA by seeker1

Day 627-629

August 8, 2009: Mutual Protection Pact with Czech Republic Yes A needed ally

August 8, 2009: Transfer 225000 USD to Congressional Budget Office Yes Routine money management measure.

August 8, 2009: Reduce import taxes on wood from 5% to 1% Yes State of the economy necessitates lower import taxes.

August 8, 2009: Reduce import taxes on oil from 5% to 1% Yes State of the economy necessitates lower import taxes.

August 9, 2009: Mutual Protection Pact with Israel Yes A needed ally.

August 10, 2009: Reduce value added tax on gifts from 5% to 1% No The emergency that made this tax increase necessary has not ended.

August 10, 2009: Reduce import taxes on weapons from 5% to 1% Yes We need to do all we can to encourage foreign companies to sell weapons on the eUS market. Domestic supplies have decreased greatly. Access to weapons is crucial right now.

August 10, 2009: Mutual Protection Pact with Poland Yes European ally

August 10, 2009: Mutual Protction Pact with Finland Yes European ally