Maine Senator's Congressional Report

Day 627, 13:02 Published in USA USA by seeker1

Day 624-626

August 5, 2009: Transfer 25000 USD to the Congressional Budget Office Yes Routine money management measure

August 6, 2009: Transfer 15271 to Congressional Budget Office Yes Routine money management measure.

August 6. 2009: Reduce Value Added Tax, Income Tax and Import Tax on weapons to 1% NO Lulz proposal made by a senator just before his resignation.

August 6, 2009: Peace treaty with Italy Yes Closes another open war.

August 7, 2009: Mutual Protection Pact with Greece Yes Formal alliance with a European state with high iron.

August 7, 2009: Decrease import tax on weapons from 5% to 1% Yes In normal situations, I would not approve this neasure. I generally believe in maintaining relatively high (25%-30😵 import taxes on all industries except resources for which the nation does not possess high production regions. However, in the continuing war emergency, we are losing and have lost much of our manufacturing base. We face the danger of shortages and increasing prices for both raw materials and manufactured goods. We need as much supply of these goods as possible. Lowering import taxes will encourage foreign companies to supply our market. Weapons are especially crucial right now.