Maine Congress Candidacy and How to Help Win the War

Day 607, 15:16 Published in USA USA by seeker1

Citizens of Maine:

Today, I announce my candidacy for reelection as your Senator. My platform is the same as last time. (You can find it here: I promise to continue to publish my voting record daily, giving detailed reasons for my votes. (All my reports are in previous editions of this newspaper.) During the past Congressional term, I introduced a discussion of opening to public view Congress' hidden boards, except for those relating to national security. Unfortunately, I discovered how tightly some Congress members hold onto their privileges, I have not given up on my effort to increase Congressional transparency. I will use what I learned during this term to present a new, possibly more acceptable, proposal next term.

My concern about the reduction of tariffs continues. But the changes in taxes resulting from the need to fund the current war have raised questions about the entire tax regime of the eUS. In fact, the entire defensive posture of the eUS may need to be reevaluated. But those are questions for the future. Right now, we must play the hand we currently have.

As I write this, Idaho is under attack. The eUS has already lost Alaska and Washington. Canada has been substantially weakened. We do not know where we will be attacked next.

I write to you today not primarily to ask for your vote. I ask instead that you participate in defending, possibly saving, our nation.

Move so you can do most damage when you fight

Some take pride in remaining in Maine. Others call for increasing Maine's infrastructure. These notions are absolutely irrelevant right now. If we do not get the most damage possible from every citizen during every fight, all of us may soon need to learn Russian. If that were to happen, pride and infrastructure would be useless. So, I plead with you to move to New Jersey, Florida, or Kansas. The Q5 hospitals there will allow you to fight 5 times each day, adding more damage to our enemies with every fight. If you cannot afford a moving ticket. PM Chris Stanwick: I am not entirely sure what the requirements of the program he administers are, but he can help you in this respect.

Join the Military Training Division; get free weapons

Fighting with weapons substantially increases the damage you cause with each fight, and helps you increase your rank more rapidly. But, it is very expensive to buy your own weapons for each fight. The National Guard and other branches of the military provide each of their members free weapons during wartime. The Military's four week training program is also an excellent tutorial about how to play eRepublic successfully. For the nation's benefit in this historic crisis and for your own benefit, please join the Military Training Division. You can find all the information you will need here:,6591.0.html. There is a rush right now to join the Military, and officials are somewhat behind in meeting the demand. If you do not receive an immediate response, don't be discouraged. You will hear from them. And it is better to fight with no weapon than not to fight at all.

Join the US Air Force; help prevent PTOs

Perhaps as threatening as a direct attack on our soil is the possibility of Political Take Overs (PTOs) of the governments of our allies. PEACE has perfected the practice of taking over a government during elections. They run a PEACE candidate in the nation they want to control and send enough of their own citizens to elect that candidate. These newly elected officials can then enact policies friendly to PEACE and harmful to the eUS and its allies. During the July Congressional election, Canada and other valuable allies are in danger of being PTOed. This would be among the worst disasters the eUS could experience. Without fighting a battle, PEACE could threaten every state on our Northern boarder.

The US Air Force was created to counter this threat. If you join it, you will be issued free moving tickets to enable you to vote in an election where an allied government is threatened with a PTO. You can join the Air Force even if you belong to another military branch. Needed information is here:,5326.0.html.

That you take these relatively simple steps is far more important than that you stay in Maine and vote for me. You can help decide if we vote in eUS or Russian elections in August. The situation is that serious.

If you have further questions about how best to help the war effort or about my position on a specific policy, do not hesitate to send me a PM.

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