London - eUK's Fortress Region

Day 776, 03:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
Fortress region - a region where all the nations population are based to make a strong defence in a last-stand style.

It has been discussed a while ago about making a fortress region in the eUK. For those of you on the external forums you can see the topic about making London the eUK's fortress region here:

London calls. Will you help?

It has been agreed that London should be the place for this. London makes an excellent choice as London is naturally surrounded by the regions South East and East of England. London is the only eUK region to have a RM high region - this is therefore the only 'naturally profitable' region. It also has a Q5 hospital meaning that the population can fight 5 times then heal with out losing health. But maybe best of all for a fortress region, London has a Q5 defence system and a population of 2417 (when I'm writing this).

Help the defence of your nation by moving to the capital.

Having a big population and a Q5 defence system means it should be difficult for an attacker to conquer. Plus the more people in London the higher the cost of waging war on London for our enemies.

So UK's finest, what are you going to do about this?

Well I will be issuing all eUK citizens (that don't live in London) who post
'Move me to London' in the comments section below with a moving ticket.

For more on the subject, have a look at the article Iain Keers has written on the matter click here to view.
