Letter to eBelgium

Day 1,158, 18:17 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

Hello eBelgians,

We are once again approaching elections for Congress. As I have been snowbound and frustrated about it on my day off, I have had some time to think about why you should vote for me again to represent you from eBrussels. What can I offer you that makes me stand out from the crowd?

I could speak of my 6 previous terms as an active member of Congress, but there are others with as many or more.

I could remind you of my one term as Country President, after which I chose not to run again, but clearly several others have done more than that.

I could point out my service as an assistant in citizen.info under Apotygma and my service in the cabinets of Thore Thoreson, ThomasRed and Sammy Tanghe, but there have also been many other long-term cabinet ministers.

I could mention that I am a member of eBelgium's 1st Para-Commando Regiment, fighting for our eCountry, but there are clearly more effective and enthusiastic soldiers.

I could justly make the claim that I have been active daily on the forum since my first election in June, but that only proves that I enjoy that part of the game.

I could promise you that, if elected, I will magically make eBelgium a little paradise, where nobody is ever unhappy and everybody gets what he wants, but we all know that even Dio and Aldous the Meek combined could not do that (and no, Bob Boblo could not, either).

So, why should you vote for me? Perhaps it should be because I love eBelgium and her citizens as I never could have imagined loving a game community, and whatever I do, it will be with your best interests at heart. There are others that feel that way, too. Whoever you vote for, make sure it is one of us.