Latin America: how are we supposed to deal with them?

Day 468, 09:06 Published in USA Spain by Pechorin

Good day America!

After these days of war and election propaganda there are at least two unanswered questions:

- How the new government is going to deal with Mexico and the rest of LatinAmerica countries?

- What is the lonf term policy about Mexico and the "training wars"?

In my opinion, we should start thinking about a solution for our public relations "situation" with the rest of the continent. I really think that the American government and the American society needs to start thinking about strengthen bonds with them.

A National Public relations policy has to be a long term plan. We should discuss how we want the rest of the world to see us, especially the closest countries. That is not a easy issue and maybe not one of the most funny things for most of you but there is something we should care about it.

Who forgets about soft power, forgets about winning.

Pechorin, transmiting from Florida

Spanish resume:

USA no puede dejar de lado las relaciones internacionales, especialmente con América Latina. Es hora de plantear la necesidad de mejorar las relaciones públicas del país por que USA necesita también vencer en este campo.