Late Night Edition

Day 2,074, 00:09 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

As you'll notice that looks nearly identical to my South Africa Paper Banner, the reason for this is well when I made that one, I also made this one, and one in the event that I ever got to be Dutch.

Mood Music
Bonus Music

Intro Explanation
Around this time last night, as I sat in my computer chair waiting for Day Change and to watch an episode of How I Met your Mother, I noticed Shiloh13 shout about a battle in New York, glanced at it, but mostly ignored it. I checked out the battle again later saw the USA was up 22-0 and thought if they pull this off it might be time to come back to the USA.

This was and was not a rush decision; it was in the regard I made up my mind rather quickly, and it wasn't in the fact that for much of the last week I've felt rather depressed every time I logged in, the Fun was Dead and when that happens I know I either need a change of ePace or I'll fade into a quiet abyss. The latter isn't completely an option a lot of my eFriends would be pissed if I just left without saying good bye.

So during thinking of change of pace destinations, I'd hoped the Netherlands would have won in Western Netherlands gotten a congress and I could have been Dutch [it is an odd pipe dream], but that didn't work out. I've thought about Pakistan, Australia, maybe even Russia, but could never commit to one, so when I saw New York had the chance to be a win, it felt right, after all it is my home state so the timing was perfect.

To the SAGP
I am truly sorry for my haste exit, I imagine some of you will be mad at me for it, but as long as you will allow me I will be happy to support you through the forum and anything else you might need that I can do. I would also be happy to support the MU as well. But if you were to ask me to leave the MU and stay out of party affairs I would of course honor that request, but as my Adopted party, I still wish you all the best.
In Regard to the NaN
While the Alliance is crumbling from nearly every perspective, and even though I was replaced as Leader in a vote by a C.P. who then proceeded to pull this nation out of the alliance, I will serve out the remaining 15 days of my term as a Consul unless asked to step down.
Revolutionary Times New Avatar

For those who can't make it out in the little box they give in the corner and on my profile.
Rumors of the Week
Rumore😛 Lancer450 listens to Tiny Dancer while getting his squirrel freak on, with Mazzy Cat.

Sora Storm went to Australia to bring an end to youngHOODs orgies.

Reporte😛 Mazzy Cat and the Valeyard break off Creamy Love Affair for the latter hogs the Ice Cream.

DonVin said to have approached Wacky dressed in his battle suit to tell the later that he is her Father! No work on how she took the news.

Spotte😛 Former Prime Minister and current Chief of Staff of Australia, Molly Jo burning much of Queensland to the ground while laughing manically in the successful battle against Indonesia on day 2071

Kooguy providing Pat McCrutch his un-credible services.

From somewhere in Western NY