Labour - The month ahead.

Day 939, 14:38 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

A message to eIreland and Labour.

Well, As the PTO threats are behind us we can only look to the future. First, off, I would like to wish all elected Party Presidents good luck in the month ahead, I hope we can work together a bit more closely this term.

I've finally seen the light, Ireland, being a small nation can not continue to divide ourselves, we need to work together for the betterment of this nation.I know our image has been drastically damaged over the last couple of months and I really do hope to change this.

Onto srs bsns, The Congress will soon be upon us, so I will be gathering information from the off, Any one who wishes to run please message me ASAP and all those who will be available to vote on the 25th message me aswell..

Mah plans, I didn't have much time to release the platform that I wanted in the lead up to the Party President elections but i hope what I did in the month previous was enough to get me through.

Over the last few months we have been soley painted one colour, red. We have been unrightfully branded a sole Communist party with no other aims than those of communist ones. This is untrue.

As Ginge so rightfully pointed out we are not JUST a Communist party, We are a mixture of idealogies be it economic, military or other wise, we are a party which is made up of Republicans, Militarists , communists and socialists. It is written in our constitution.

Our recruitment efforts picked up towards my last two weeks with a bit of reshuffling and Chris Cuthbertson being awarded the Recruitment Officer position within our party, he is being working tirelessly and deserves to be recognised for this.

It seems our communes are up and running quite smoothly at the moment and I hope to expand it even further.

Any one wishing to get more involved in Labour, please send me a message. Anyone wanting a position in the communes let me know and I'll get you sorted ASAP. Any donations to the party please donate to this Org

I have been bust recently and this is not as comprehensive as I would of liked but I hope I covered all aspects. Oh and expect more articles outlining Who labour "actually" are.

Thank you