Kreuziger for London Congress - Supported by UKs finest

Day 794, 01:22 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Max Blue
This next article is brought to you by UK's finest, but is written by Kreuziger. I am not running for congress this term as I have join Special Forces full time, and after talking with my friend here he agreed to run. Over to you Kreuziger...

Hey UK citizens, the time has come !

I, Kreuziger the « Gabacho », and I am running for congress in London with the Radical Freethinkers Alliance.

Who I am ? You can see a bit about me here (private RFA forum) To resume, I came from France to start a new challenge: begin a new life in the United Kingdom, and make it better in all the ways I can! I really love the UK, and I was bored with France, and especially the eFrench administration. I can use my foreign experience - for a better eUK.

I want to represent the Radical Freethinkers Alliance in congress. Why? Because this party has the same free mind as me. Indeed, I really found a great party in order to be useful for the country. With the support of Finest, I want to further the RFA party and above all British political activity. With my French experience, I want to help the eUnited Kingdom become better and stronger, because I encountered many problems in my eFrench life (I won't drag on in that subject) and I can notice them here in some subjects.

I was twice in the eFrench government, as a simple Logistic and the Chief of Army Logistics, and also as the French ambassador in eIsrael (in the beginning of my eLife). Recently, I joined the Special Forces to help the eUK in the battlefields. I hope my contribution will participate to the blockage of the invasion Polish's desire. My goal is to help the eUK in all the fields I can go.

● Domestic policy

- I want to work in the project of the ebabyboom. Indeed, I saw operations like the Stickers Project, this is very nice but probably not enough to attract new players. I followed the eFrance babyboom operations and I can probably propose solutions which worked with France in August. This is an opportunity to increase our economy and our force, which is currently an important project for the eUK. We must work on it to develop the eUK!

More babies in the eUK will give us a boost in the economy and military.

- I want to reinforce the solidarity project which works very well in France and which is very interesting in the UK. This squad is able to help new players, by offering gifts to keep the wellness over 40 or advice them in the jobmarket or to inform by newspapers the way to live during special periods (first days of eLife and invasions). It's very important that this squad gets a bigger manoeuvre margin to extend their works.

We must help the babies once we have them. Babies cannot survive on their own.

● Economy

- I want the GBP to be stable in order to be competent towards foreign market competition. We can do like foreign countries which have stable currencies around 0.025g. In this way, I want to find an arrangement between having sufficient business taxes for the development of our economy and guaranteeing a better wage of living for eUK citizens (and of course a better way of life).

A stable GBP is good for all eUK citizens.

- I want to work with the other congressmen in the possible solutions to have a stronger currency. This is a long-term task but I can get a help from a guy who is the Assistant of the French MoE. I'm sure that it can work with patience and perseverance. For that, we have to work in the better fixing of taxes and also in all the ways we can win golds to be able to fix the eUK currency durably.

We stand a better chance at strengthening the GBP working together with foreign allies.

● Foreign & Military Affairs

- I want to work in the improvement of the relation between the eUK & eFrance. I've been contacted by the French MoFA to work on it, and to find contracts or partnership with UK. This is very important because our countries are tied, and I think a strong friendship is possible. (By the way, my French link can accelerate this establishment with other congressmen.)

- I want to get daily battles for the development of the young UK players. This is fundamental for a nation to have a war-game available every day. The advantages of war-games are multiple: ranking of the soldiers and simple citizens, the development of the eUK weapons economy, or also improve our relationship with Phoenix (yes, I'm a pro-Phoenix like many French people, and I think like you). In this way, I'm ready to discuss with Phoenix in a possible collaboration.

War games or real war should continue - the experiance and economy boosts are incredibaly valuable

- In the current situation, I want to get solutions against the Polish/Spanish invasion. I'm a defender of the massive migration in London to have a kind of heavy castle like eFrance had in Paris. The final battle was very impressive and the Spanish won with a short gap. I'm ready personally to fight to the death for saving London in this war. With Special Forces, I'll keep the eUK in our hands and fight invaders as long as they'll try.

We should focus our defences so we are not overrun by EDEN.

All these points have to be developed for the eUK to be a stronger nation in eRepublik. I really hope that my work in the congress will be pertinent and useful. I rely on you to vote for me to be able to work with other congressmen on those goals.

Thank you for reading that, and sorry for my English,

To conclude, vote for your future, vote for a better eUK, vote Radical Freethinkers Alliance and...

Vote Kreuziger in London !
