Jude Connors for USWP Party President

Day 818, 00:01 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

When I was new, I was a crazy two-clicker. I had ideas of spending the gold to make a party of my own. I had idealistic ideas and even a name picked out for my new party. I didn't, however; have the gold. Instead I found my way to one of the "Sixth Parties", where I quickly was made the Director of Public Affairs. A few weeks later, there was talk of me running for Party President, and I was elated. Wow! Party President. That would be pretty neat. Those dreams never materialized, however; as instead, I became a Congressman from a sixth party - unable to be party president.

Eventually, I would leave that Sixth Party and make my way to the USWP. I stayed in the party for the remainder of my Congressional career. When I became disenchanted with Congress and left to pursue a military career, I also left USWP. I PTO-ed the Republican Party, with honest hopes of maybe doing something with that party, but that was not received well so I spent all their gold on ads for the government then stayed away from political parties as a whole. Somehow, the USWP still remained in my heart.

When Josh Frost assumed the mantle of USWP PP, he asked me to come back. He had genuine ideas for the party. His time as PP was short, as he became the President of the eUnited States, but he did appoint me to the Executive Board. Upon becoming an EB member, I quickly became involved in many of the runnings of the USWP, and it took very little time before I realized what I wanted to do in what it was I felt called to do in USWP - Party President.

When Frost became eUSA President, the EB had to decide who to place to replace him as Party President. With very little time remaining until the next election, I was able to get stationed stateside in the USA Army and accepted the EB nomination to appoint me as acting Party President. On February 15th, I intend to make it official and win the Party President position in the election. The dream has come full circle, I am the Party President of the United States Workers Party – a Top Five party that is #2 in rankings for most members. A party that – at one time – was the most popular party in the world! It is with honor that I accept that appointment.

First Order of Business: Executive Board Realignment

Everything has a beginning, even rebirth. “Reborn” Christians talk about giving everything up to become “reborn” - to start anew. They leave all their garbage behind and accept a new life. Much like that analogy, I think it is time for the USWP to be reborn. WE have been in a period of inactivity for way too long, and eventually it will either make us experience our death or even worse... I for one, am not ready to accept either of those results, and I have a plan to increase recruitment and activity drastically. This does, however, require me to make a few necessary changes to the USWP Constitution, and for that, I turn to the Executive Board and the Legal Department. I would like to see the following changes in the realm of Leadership in the USWP.

Party President – remains the same.

Chief of Staff – remains untouched

PAC becomes the Elections Director – Assistant PACs will NOT be EB members. There will be no more regional PACs until such time a change is required.

Communications Director becomes the Public Affairs Director. In addition to USWPost, I want the PAD to organize a weekly mass message to all members and to be responsible for inter-party relations as well.

Workers Militia Commander – The USWP Militia has been quiet. First of all, I want to rename it the WORKERS MILITIA and I would like to make the Militia Commander a member of the EB.

Recruitment Director – This will be a very demanding position. The responsibilities will be outlined later. Recruitment and concentrating on the new recruitment program will be top priority.

Members Services Director – This position will consolidate numerous positions, including TWU Director, Legal Affairs Director, and Business Services Director.

IT Administrator – For too long, we have not played close attention to our Board. I intend to place someone in charge of keeping all of our forums, webpages, wiki entries, chatrooms, etc. up-to-date.

EBE Members – EBE Members will continue to have a voice in the EB, but without a vote. If we continue to live in the past, we will never see our full potential in the future.

EB members WITH vote will be the Directors and the Chief of Staff. The Party President will actually not have a vote, but only a voice in the EB.

Job Corp: A Plan for Recruitment and Retention

This is the meat of my plans as Party President. This is going to be run by the Recruitment Director, in coordination with the Workers Militia Commander and the Member Services Director. Here's how it works...

The Recruitment Director (and his/her team) mass mails every new player in the eUSA and all new members of the USWP daily and offer them something called the USWP Job Corp. If they accept, we bring them to a new part of the forums devoted to USWP Job Corp students, and

A. We get them into job training at one of our companies. We can pay at or near minimum wage. This gets the new player's started on how to work (working at 90+, Hard Worker Awards, etc.) and gets them started on their path to their first 5 gold.

B. We get them into the WU General Player Knowledge course for free at The Workers University. This gets them more knowledge on the basics of the game and keeps them active.

C. We get them into the Workers Militia for some paramilitary training. This will introduce them to the military and fighting aspect of the game. We can begin to train them until they reach a fighting level.

These simple steps are all we need to get recruitment AND activity up, in the game, chat, and the forums. This is my primary objective as USWP Party President. This can be accomplished if we all work together. Best of all, as we train new players and get them active; it makes work easier for the party as a whole as we begin to hand some of the minor work over to the new players we bring to the USWP.

Congress: Better Candidates for a Better Congress

Let's face the fact that most members of Congress lack the necessary skills needed to be an effective Congressman or Congresswoman. Everyone can point the finger in every direction, but the blame is on us just as it is on every other party that fails to vet its Congressional members accordingly. We have already taken steps to combat this by adding a Prospective Senators Program that will be headed up by the current Deputy Speaker of the House and Congresswoman representing the USWP, Fionia. This course should be mandatory for any prospective Congress-member BEFORE they get endorsed, unless that person is a returning Senator. This way, the USWP sets the example by providing only the best to represent our party in the eUSA Congress.

These are my goals as the new Party President of the United States Workers Party. I invite every member of the party to critique and comment on these goals. Together, I think that we can advance this party and once again take our place as the very best party in the entire game.

Jude Connors
Acting Party President
United States Workers Party