Join TC for the New Years!

Day 1,135, 19:29 Published in USA USA by Synesi

Looking for an eRep New Year's Resolution? Not sure what would be the best choice for others as well as yourself? Do your part in protecting the eUS, enlist in the TC today. You will learn all you need to know about military structure, understanding orders, eRep battle system, and many more things. By graduating basic as well as following your orders and being active you have just completed the only guaranteed way to be selected for another military branch. Sign up to join the TC today by filling out this form.

Join us on channel #TC, already on the Rizon IRC Servers, awesome! But for those that are not already apart of the most interactive channel in the eUS, join us by following this link, change "YourCitizenName" to your actual citizen name. Looking for a more permanent irc access, simply look at the information made available by the eUS Department of Education here.

Sergeant First Class AdamKelley is promoted to the rank of Master Sergeant and assigned as 301st Platoon Executive Officer.

Sergeant First Class DR Mayhem is promoted to the rank of Master Sergeant and assigned as 303rd Platoon Executive Officer.

Master Sergeant 1stLtHawkeye is promoted to the rank of Senior Master Sergeant

Congratulations to each of you on your recent promotions within the USTC!

MSG B. Martin
XO USTC 321st Titans
USTC Staff Writer