JNG - Reelection

Day 3,306, 23:02 Published in Japan Ireland by Galloglaigh

Hello Popular Front members. We have had a successful month so far. Hard to believe but it is true. We're still the number one Party in Nippon. We got a total of 16 members into the Diet, though since then three members split off to make the S.O.S. Brigade thing. It doesn't matter too much though since Gergely did not do what he promised (including Congress members into a mass personal message), and it is very doubtful that the new stooge will do anything.

We backed Akki for Country President this term and came up short on votes. The Dictatorship made sure to bring in a few mobile voters just in case we got too close to electing him.

I'm seeking reelection as your Party President. I ask all members of our Party to take jobs with Eikyuu listed on the job market. You will get premium wages if you are a member of the Party and its Military Unit at the same time. If you own a house you can work twice a day maximum but the wages are nice. It is expensive to me but I have been handing out weekly supplies in our Military Unit.

Hopefully we will launch another Liberation War and get more loyalists into the Nation. But until then keep chugging along.
