Day 560, 10:25 Published in Indonesia Romania by oarecare

Do you think we care about some Romanian smuggling gold out of our country? It would be like an elephant caring about a mosquito sucking blood from it.

You are that insignificant.;

Oh yeah Romanians where is your cocky attitude nowadays ?

"I don't know off this country called Indonesia I know only of Matzanesia"

Wasn't that what you said ? Well I'm not seeing anything you've suggested getting passed nowadays so I guess that means that you FAILED... miserably."
Oh whats the matter ? Did I hurt your feelings because I hit the spot with this thread ? Did I hurt your pride ?

All you're good at is failing."

The only ones who cry are Romanians. "

And if you think that 20K IDR is anything to us you're gravely mistaken, see it as a donation. Its pocket change anyway.

In three months no one will even remember your little coup. "

Oh you're so proud that you managed to steal 20K IDR from us. You were so prone on failing that we relaxed a little to much. How I see it its more of a compensation to the fact that we conquered WSR from you. Did you forget about that ?

All this talk about Matzanesia is tiring, yeah you managed to take a few congress seat in our most desolate regions may I add, and you call that a victory ? Are you serious ?

You dream about taking us over, but its just that, dreams. Your grand schemes of splendor was left at the door when you entered into reality. You will never succeed in anything, you'll just stay a stagnant and forgotten country in your part of the world and soon enough no one will even remember your little FAILED attempt to play with the big boys."

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