Day 3,136, 05:26 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

If you haven't seen the new game of thrones then John Snow is dead and Ramsay Bolton is still the warden of the north. GET OVER IT!

When ever an uppidy homo comes around a few people have to come and hate. They can't allow us to be proud of our heritage and have a desire to have our own lands. That is why if you are voting in the SFP primaries don't vote for George Armstrong Custer he is queer hating and backwards. He just shows some of the terrible culture and discrimination that us queers have to go through. In Orlando recently we were killed in a mass shooting! When will this discrimination end?

hustlers don't stop, they keep goin'
I wrote an article a while ago speculating on the potential to turn a project into a black market. I was in negotiations to use the technology to improve an existing operation, but that conversation seems to have gone deaf in recent days. I do want to launch soon enough. I am looking to do live predictions markets where you can bet on elections, wars, markets, etc. along with traditional markets.

If you have any ideas that you want developed related to erepublik and have the cc to pay I may be interested. Send any inquires to me by pm.

The made up adventures of eUSA
A new serialized story about nothing

George Armstrong Custer looks deep into the eyes of his wife with passion. Major Trite looking back into her husbands eyes begins to shed a tear.

One day earlier

A newscaster announces, "Glorious leader and president for life Schubacca has announced today that all able bodied men are to be drafted for the war with Russia I declared just now"

Back in present time

George Armstrong Custer feels conflicted about going to war. On one hand he voted for Schubacca back in the day and when SFP candidate nonak beat in the next election George Armstrong Custer was there to fight in the great Schubert Liberation War.

All of a sudden Major Trite enters from the bedroom with her hands behind her back. George Armstrong Custer looking puzzled asked what is going on. Major Trite shouted, "I am pregnant!". Then she pulled out the gun from behind her back and shot George Armstrong Custer.

The End

Upcoming stories
Interview his Dicktator Yui
The made up adventures of eUSA #2
Congressional Victory Speech