
Day 3,840, 11:39 Published in Israel South Africa by cirujanoo


Somebodies is accusing Israel because of Palestinean.
Somebody says that Jews became after Moses took the people from Nile, but it is wrong, Jewish history begin before 3818 years.
Jewishes want to live in peace but ottoman prevented.
Arabs did not want to live in peace because they were accustomed to Ottoman Turk sword for Arabs. Palestineans never fight for land before PLO's Great leader Yasir Arafat's rightfull struggle. Every nation creat their leaders.
But Before Arafat, All arab forces united and fought against Israel but they could not be successful. If Palestineans are stateful nation, they would struggle and fight themself. Can you think In world war 1 if mustafa kemal ataturk does not fight, and turkmenistan, Aserbaijani, and Uzbekistan and other turkish states fight for turkey, this will not honest. Every nation mus survive itself.

Israel did survive Israel, and founded their free Israel State.
Where were Palestineans do in 1940 and more? where were they in British Mandate Period?

From early times to After Domanin 1000 times, Greeks Arabs and Jews had good science and literacy cultural relations. Their cultures became greater than their cultures affect good each other.

Shortly Jew History

c. 1800 BCE Abraham and Sarah begin the Journey to Judaism
c. 1250 BCE Moses leads Hebrews out of Egyptian bondage
c. 1000 BCE King David unites and grows the Kingdom
c. 950 BCE King Solomon builds First Temple in Jerusalem
722 BCE Assyrians destroy Northern Israelite Kingdom, disperse ten
586 BCE Babylonians overthrow Southern Kingdom, destroy first Temple,
take Judeans to Babylonia
428 BCE Second Temple dedicated by Ezra and Nehemiah
164 BCE Hasmonean revolt against Greek rule (celebrated by
70 Second Temple destroyed by Romans
135 Bar Kochba rebellion
c. 200 Mishnah codified
c. 500 Babylonian Talmud codified
1492 Jews expelled from Spain
1880 Mass emigrations to America begin
1938 Kristallnakht begins Holocaust
1948 State of Israel declared