Day 657, 09:32 Published in Romania Croatia by Crocky

Hello again my dear readers,

My question for you today is : IS WAR NECESSARY?

I think we all know the answer. This game is based on war module. The economy is based on wars. Baby-booms are made during war times. The greatest amounts of gold are spent in Epic battles.
The servers were upgraded to sustain great wars. And still many of us keep wondering themselves: Why, we can't step aside once, not in RL or ERep and fighting each other like some stupid kids?
Why? Good question! Because we can't!

Because we all like to win! And to win there is always need for an opponent who to lose. This is the way our race flourished. This is the way we are raising our children. To fight and to be better or high placed than others. In every moment of our lives we are over one person and under another. And most of us want to go higher. These are the facts, in real or virtual life, everything is the same.

eRepublik gave us what we all want. Another global arena where we can race together.

So, my dear friends, indeed war is a MUST! We can now rest and stop denying that and think how we can win it!

Thank you all for reading!

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