Irish Volunteer Force Recruitment Article

Day 602, 13:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ian Arb

Irish Volunteer Force is a Guerrilla Resistance Force. IVF was formed by Brian Boru, Igor Thunderbrow and Irish_Rebel.

The Irish Volunteer Force is organised hierarchically, with the Army Council at the top headed by the Chief of Staff.

Active Service Units
All Irish Volunteer Force members are organised into Active Service Units under the general command of the Chief of Staff and the Army Council. One ASU is assigned per battle area, and the unit may be very small or very large in size. An ASU may also be divided into squads if the Commander sees fit. The membership of an ASU varies in numbers and strength considerably.

IVF History

Involvement in World War 1 (Magyar Campaign)
The Active unit ASU under Command of Irish_Rebel moved out to Gyor, Hungary on September 1st IRB followed on the same day Commanded by Igor Thunderbrow Hungarian soveringnty from Romanian Imperialism.

The Chief of Staff set out the following key objectives for the Magyar Campaign:

Defence of Budapest and Central Hungary
Defence of other key regions surrounding Central Hungary.

Defence of other Hungarian regions.
Rally support in Ireland for the Hungarian cause

Boer Campaign
Soon after the end of World War I, the IRA's assistance was requested by the South African Independence League to aid them against Croatian political occupiers. The IRA Army Council pledged its support for S.A.I.L. and Azandicas, and supplied them with the Notes on Guerrilla Resistance in Erepublik as well as advising them on other issues.

IVF Re-born
IVF was reformed on April 17th 2009 with the return of Brian Boru from exile.

If you are interested in joining IVF please do the following :
- Sign up on our forums
- When signed up on the forums enlist here