Ireland Vs Norway

Day 815, 10:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

Ireland Vs Norway….

Well as I am sure many of you must know by know just yesterday Ireland took a step forward or backwards who knows. WE Ireland (or our elected president) started the Vote on the declaration of war on Norway. There is a lot of controversy over this decision, a lot of arguing even more than usual.

Recently Ireland and many other countries have suffered from the lack and disturbance in our war games between Malaysia and Philippines, our economy and society have suffered immensely but now we have a chance of improving these, maybe for just a short but hopefully in the long run. Many Irish only look at us and our economy and society but not the rest of the world. For instance we all seem to think its just us who are suffering due these war games lapses but its not, Malaysia (the host) is also doing terrible if not worse than ourselves and so is a lot of the other countries involved if not all.

We have been given a chance to recover, a chance to prosper once more, a chance to use our assets and our hard work. We have been given a chance to put all that we have worked on together as a country or singularly as a Citizen in the Republic of eIreland to the test.

There is a lot of opposition and negativity surrounding these recent happenings but what’s done is done. All this arguing is once again pointless, it may have been an Illegal move on behalf of the president and its administration but in terms of eRepublik it is completely viable and legal. Nothing can be done to change it.

So I say we forget all our political differences and ideology and work and FIGHT as a country once more. You may be a communist, socialist, capitalist or any other ideology but at the end of the day most of you have only what’s best for eIreland at heart, even the notorious Padraig_Pearse.

I personally feel this will work out in the long run, we may get our various markets back on track and I have moved back from the eUK where I received 3q3’s and 2q1’s almost daily to fight for eIreland and its people. I hope you too fight for eIreland no matter what your feeling is on this situation.

You cannot criticise Edana for any of this as she was elected by the people to represent the people, anything she says or does is essential what you want and what you voted for, so it would be very hypocritical for you to blame Edana for anything which goes wrong (Unless you didn’t vote for her). It was her prerogative to declare this war as President.

Finally our “fun” has arrived so use it.

Éire go Brách