Interview with Greeling EXPOSED! AND MORE......

Day 3,151, 09:51 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

Once again America fails to elect someone who is competent. That man is Greeling, but did you know that Greeling is a crypto-Homosexual. He is really on our side your straight weirdos.

"Yui sucks and nobody likes him"

Your favorite drink?
Thats pretty gay EXPOSED!!!!

What do you think about the autonomous queer region?
"Would that mean Queer Reservation Casinos, if so I might be up for that because those casinos would be awesome"
Awesome for gay sex and fun adult gaming entertainment EXPOSED!

Favorite Music?
"One Direction"

Do you like to play?
"Birds is about as hardcore"
Ummmm okay....

My live stream was successful yesterday we had 20 viewers that showed up for the event. We had a fun conversation between Ronald Gipper Reagan and Dicktator Yui. If you missed the live event you can not see it again, because the truth that was exposed could only be exposed once. The authorities of eUSA broke into QNN headquarters are destroyed the recording. But let me tell you the things Dicktator Yui revealed are damning. Lets just say that most of the votes that people meant to do to Ronald Gipper Reagan were taken and given to Dicktator Yui. This was only one of the crimes Dicktator Yui admitted too. But anyway I may have another audio edition of QNN coming soon.

Hostile takeovers.... they will be coming. I am invading so be scared. I want to do more content besides usual economic op-eds, political op-eds, and EXPOSED! series. QNN Live, secret hostile takeovers in works as we speak, Community activities, and more. All I can say is that QNN will take over the world.