Information this month !

Day 588, 13:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by Ian Arb

Hello all,
I am writing the information article Theus which he didnt bother write an article at all ! and resigned. I am going to write this out because some new citizens dont understand whats going on.

Nith elected president May 25th :
Nithraldur IUP manage to beat ISRP Candidate Starks Hayter by 18 votes results :
Nithraldur Irish Union party 159 votes 51.29 %
Starks Hayter Irish Socalist Republic Party 141 votes 45.48
(supported by 5 parties ICF (Known as FF now will give you information later in this article, IFP,IF,IF (Irelands Future) )
Thomas Oliver Irish Party 11 Votes 3.23 %
Can be seen here :

ICF's departure to eSlovakia :
Article here :

Irish Cabinet - June 2009 (Chosen by the President Nithraldur )

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Eamon_de Valera
Deputy of Foreign Affairs:Aran Tal
Junior Minister of Foreign Affairs: Bryan O'Shea

Ministry of Finance & Industry
Minister of Finance & Industry: Starks Hayter
Deputy of Finance & Industry: Appleman
Junior Minister of Finance & Industry: Revenue

Ministry of Citizen’s Wellness
Minister of Citizen’s Wellness: Pdiddy (Resigned)
Deputy of Citizen’s Wellness: Ian Arbuckle (New Minister)

Ministry of Defense
Minister of Defense: Severin (Gordon Gecko replaces Grainne as dMoD)
Deputy of Defense: Gordongekko
Junior Minister of Defense: Eoin O Sullivan

Ministry of Information
Minister of Information: Theus Jackus (active never wrote a Info article resigned due to holiday)

Ministry of Education
Minister of Education: Darragh O Faolain

Ministry of Communities
Minister of the Community: 05637716
Deputy of the Community: Teutorix Aleria
Junior Minister of the Community: Binksy

Reasons why Nith choose these guys as his cabinet :

Eamon_de Valera on Foreign Affairs was an open and closed case. He has done a magnificent job last month and simply deserves to remain in his office.

Starks Hayter on Finance & Industry. Starks has proven that he is active enough and knows the game mechanics well enough to be put in charge of this Ministry. I trust he has a more than decent understanding of the economics in this game and I wish for him to let Ireland benefit from it.

Pdiddy on Citizen’s Wellness was probably the most logical choice around. Pdiddy has been in charge of this Ministry for a few months now and was responsible for kickstarting it again in the beginning. He has build the foundation to the wellness systems we employ now, so I believe it’s more than fair to allow him to further establish them.

Severin on Defense. I have received many application for this position but not all were as qualified. I know Severin has a tremendous amount of activity on eRepublik and knows the game trough and trough. He is also very open to communication and tends to grasp things rather quickly. These are some very important aspects a Minister of Defense must possess and Severin displays those with ease.

Theus Jackus on Information. Theus has good writing skills and pairs this with a great amount of activity. A Minister of Information is, of course, supposed to inform the people. He needs to be able to summarise information which he gathered and mold them into a comprehensible informative bulletin that all of Ireland’s residents know what is going on. This is what I believe Theus can accomplish without even needing to break a sweat.

Darragh O Faolain on Education. Perhaps one of the lesser known citizens of Ireland, but definately not one of the less active. Darragh’s application for this function was extensive and well build. His ideas were quite impressive and I hope he actively seeks to accomplish them. His motivation was that good that I want to give him a shot at realising his dreams.

05637716 on Community. The man with the strangest name in Ireland. He resides in the Ireland IRC nearly all day, under a less tongue – twisting alias. Combining this with his original idea, the very creation of this Ministry, awards him with this position. I trust 05637716 will invest a lot of time while trying to fully reach the maximum out of this Ministry.

Article can be found here :

The Irish vs Bristish fake war here is all the information on this :
All articles on this :

Ian Arbuckle

(If you have anything to add please do, I cant remember much o.0.)