Indonesia loses Sumatra or the cherry popping story

Day 1,090, 01:04 Published in USA USA by Synesi

Hey Indonesia.... I don't know if you noticed but, Sumatra belongs to the eUSA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is an epic incredible battle. Indonesia, for the first time in erep history has lost a core region. The Training Corps would like to thank Eden for carrying on those middle rounds, the eUS military cause you people rock, allies (and immense thanks), citizens (thanks for the extra damage there!) and all the Indo children that told their parents, "enough is enough! I want a new McDonald's like the one the put in Western Alaska."

Every Indo children knows that the Mickey D's we put in after a conquest is bigger and better, and even gives better toys!

Thus, without further ado, here goes a happy meal for every Indo child!

Ronald is having fun!

Oh, and about those cherries Indo...

JOIN TC and pop a cherry! Apply here.