Indian Armed Forces[Official Instructions]

Day 754, 16:25 Published in India India by Indian Armed Forces

Official Army Orders: [Day 754]

India attacked Iran for the fifth time!

Important Notes:
1) Fight without Weapons, with Bare hands.
2) Save your money.
3) Maintain wellness above 95 at all costs.

4) Shout the above instructions out to friends.
5) Contact the Battalions for Weapons, IAF will not distribute any weapons, Battalions will:

Currently IAF and AHF orders are the same, issued by President ArjaaAine and Military Strategist(also one of AHF commanders) David Forde

If you have any questions contact your Battalion Leaders:

Battalion 1 Ladakh Scouts:-

BroodRoosterNL (MoD)
Hsr sr

Battalion 2 Gorkha Rifles:-


Battalion 3
Brigade of the Gaurds:-

Abhi347(Assitant MoD)

6) Fill out the army survey if you haven't already so we can deliver weapons whenever it is deemed right.

7) Goto eIndian Forums for most up-to-date orders: Forums
😎 Contact anyone of your senior players for orders if you are confused
9) Check our President ArjaaAine's Profile for his latest shout about orders.

If you Live in Maharashtra or Orissa, Fight till you are between 45-55 wellness and then heal to end at above 95 wellness.
Q5 Hospital in Orissa
Q5 Hospital in Maharashtra

If you don't live in Maharashtra or Orissa/ You have low wellness.... Contact
Internal Affairs India

Ministry of Defense