In My Life

Day 737, 11:39 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors
There are places I remember,
all my life, though some have changed
some forever not for better,
some have gone, and some remain,
all these places have their moments,
with lovers and friends, I still can recall,
some are dead and some are living,
In My Life, I've loved them all

24th Congress of the eUSA
First and foremost, I want to thank those who voted me back into Congress. It was a grueling election day, yesterday; but today I can sit and give thanks once again that I am re-elected to Congress. Thank you. I once again pledge to put the good of the eUSA as my top priority and that I am always here to answer any questions and address any concerns. Also, feel free to visit me anytime at my IRC Office - Connor's Office.

This term, I have been nominated for Speaker of the House. This is an exciting opportunity for me, and I accept the nomination and the responsibilities if I do indeed become Speaker of the House. As Speaker, my first priority would be to re-organize the committee structure and fill the Congressional Leadership with people from many different parties. I want to continue transparency in Congress and have a brand new idea for a regular Congressional paper - something that the past two terms have been a personal failure. I hope my fellow Congressmen support me in my bid as the next Speaker of the House.

To view a list of the results of the November Congressional elections, go to the eAnalytics: Elections Monitoring Tool at Congratulations to all the winners! Special congratulations to my close friends Clevinger, Gannonus, and Rainy Sunday - who were all elected to their first term in Congress! Good work, Guys!

Magical Mystery Tours
With a little help from my friends, my org - THE HAIGHT - has opened its first company! I purchased a moving ticket company and have named it MAGICAL MYSTERY TOURS. Wish me luck as I endeavor in this new part of my eLife as a Business Owner!

An Interview With Bradley Reala
I had the privilege of speaking to the current Deputy Secretary of State, Bradley Reala. Reala is also the re-elected Congressman from Tennessee. I sat down with him and spoke to him a bit in what is my first interview ever. Enjoy.

Jude Connors: 1. What exactly does the Dep. Sec. of State do?

Bradley Reala: Well, as Deputy Secretary of State, I work with both Department heads (Indrae and Dodgercatcher of the CTF and DoAA respectively). I coordinate with them to make sure everything is going well, no problems in their departments. They're both competent, though, so I don't have to micro manage them. I also take part in negotiations and dialogue with other countries, most notably, for me, Ireland and Russia.

Jude Connors: 2. What experience in other government or party positions have prepared you to be DSoS?

Bradley Reala: When I first started this game I wandered into the Libertarian IRC and expressed a desire to run for Congress at some point. Daphne Lilac (the PP at the time) was very open to the idea and allowed me to run. DanielCD (the current PP) directed me to Tennessee, and since that first race I've been Senator of Tennessee, following in the footsteps of the likes of Jewitt and Gaius Julius. During that first week on the Libertarian IRC, I also ended up being drafted by Serendipitous to join the CTF. Serendipitous was so impressed by my work that within a week he promoted me to the Deputy Director of the CTF. When Serendipitous left the CTF completely I become director of the CTF. At the time Cerb (the current Secretary of State, and a darn good one at that) was Deputy SoS, but was going through a rough period of inactivity. wahooBob saw a necessity to get someone active in, and I was tapped to be the Deputy.

Jude Connors: 3. Give me a defining moment in your term so far...

Bradley Reala: A defining moment in my term so far? Wow...that's a tough one. I guess my defining moment was being asked by the Frost administration to stay on as Deputy Secretary of State. That was a really good feeling, to know that I had done well enough to warrant being kept around by two administrations.

Jude Connors: I bet it is nice.

Bradley Reala: It was pretty awesome, not gonna lie.

Jude Connors: 4. WHat do you see in your political future?

Bradley Reala: My political future? Well, for now I'm quite content serving as the Senator from Tennessee and as the Deputy Secretary of State. If I'm not mistaken I'm following in Gaius Julius' footsteps by being a Senator of Tennessee and State Department person. I have joked before about a Reala in 2010 for POTUS ticket, but that's really just a joke. I'm quite happy serving in any cabinet position that the President sees fit, and continuing as the Senator from Tennessee.

I personally have worked with Bradley for a good while now, and I know he is an excellent Congressman and Deputy Secretary of State. He's a great guy and I am sure we will continue to see his stock rise in the eUSA in the future. I also want to thank him for being the first person I interview. Oddly enough, I was the first person who ever interviewed him as well.

'Till next time... Take a Sad Song and Make It Better!!!

Jude Connors
- eUSA Congressman
- Co-Director of the USA Welcoming Committee
- Operator of Magical Mystery Tours

In My Life (song and lyrics)