IK and air module

Day 5,155, 06:29 Published in Spain Spain by Ddraig Goch

Ok, this article is because this fee😛 https://www.erepublik.com/en?viewPost=24163244
In case people want to follow the conversation more fluently by this.

D1-3 have some advantages. They have almost free bhs, the easiest ones in D1 (with less gold), the less easy ones in D3, because of the mavs. But at the end, they can always take any bh they want fighting at last moment, because their mahit is normally higher than 10k. Some people may think this is.. unrespectful, because of the many bhs not taken at the end of so many battles, at less with those D4 who respect any other player. But at the end, if they want, they could do it.
The only advantage in D4, is they can fight without thinking in exp, because they cant go farer. That means they can fight in ground, air, or work without problems of exp. That is all. The problem here is D4 is much more competitive than D1-3 together (probably).

Mav works the same for all divs. If you pay for it, it´s exactly the same for D4 and D1-2, normally going to D3 to get or more gold (d1-2) or easier bhs (D4). Epics is another topic.

Some IK players complains because of air. If they fight in air module, they get exp, even with weaps. But IK was released and thought for ground module. Normally Ik players want to stay forever in their divs (nothing about that, i´m just saying). But they complain because of working, air module and so. The think is, the IK point is clear: you can fight in ground with weaps, not getting exp. It can be enough for people or not, but that is, and nobody force you to pay for it.
It´s like working or not with the IK. You can work, or not, with and without the IK. Strictly, IK and working are not linking. Working is linking to get some exp, and IK is linking to not get exp fighting in ground. But ofc, if you want to stay in your div as much as possible, you wont work.

But at the end, the IK has advantages and disadvantages, as Mav has. Because I, as mav player, pay for switching div. But why do I have a 10k maxhit? (if there are no native hit). Or why cant I use small bombs? or annihilators?. Would IK players agree with a real d4 maxhit in their divisions?. And I just say IK, and not the rest, because is IK player who complains.
The thing is, air module was (I hink) released for D4 who could do anything because of their maxhit and the high competitiveness in that division. And ofc, new players or just players in low divisions who could do really anything there. So IK players can keep their div bhs controled, and the rest of players have air.
At the same time, Mavs cant have their real maxhit in all divs, because that would means everything would become in D4 div. D1-3 would lose their advantage in their own div, and I understand that. So, even when I pay for Mav, I think it´s well balanced. D4 can switch, but d1-3 keep a good position. And It doesnt matter if a D4 has 500k mahit: take for granted, if you bother a D1-3 with 30k maxhit, he will bother you 100 times more.

By the way, an average D4 player, i dont know.. 400k maxhit, would need 250-500 hits for a single D4 bh (100kk-200kk), In air... arround 300?. A d1-3 can get bhs with a single bazooka hit. I see it everyday. That means, a D4 normally cant spend all their fuel, and getting al the gold they could.

Sometimes, the complainers are really top low divs players (probably because if you have low maxhit, you probably dont mean so much start fightig in air and div up). So, pleople who could be a good D3, even D4. But they pay to stay in D1-3 for longer. That means, they think they are in a better position paying to stay, than lvl up and using that money for Mav, but forget about exp. And with that, they want even more, and paying the same.

That said, I think IK players are very neccesary. A country with top D1-3 players, even if they are not strong visa players, has always an advantage. And ofc, paying for IK to stay, forever or just a bit longer, is as fair as just lvl up. The game allow us to choose, and we are free to do it, and how to do it (visa, CC or 50/50). But we cant say: "you know?, that product you offer me is great, but I just want more with no extra cost". Well, we can maybe suggest, but, I think, we cant do it as a complaint.