I will bring eThailand Better

Day 888, 10:29 Published in Thailand Indonesia by Sadifa Boys

On this occasion, I am Januar Agung, many thanks to my voters in the election of members of Congress this month. (Although only three voters).

In accordance with my campaign promise, that eThailand must:

A. Military
1. Getting back to the area controlled by eUSA (Southern and Eastern), somehow the two regions must be returned.
2. Retain all the original territory eThailand, we must fight to keep as much as possible.
3. None eThailand region which became the colonies of foreign nations, whether by eUSA or by eIndonesia.

B. Economy
1. Protection of domestic commodity eThailand, by:
a. Lowering the income tax for Land and Construction products (Grain, Iron, Diamond, Oil, Wood, House, Hospital and Defense Systems) to 10%, so that citizens do not leave eThailand only because their wages cut by 50%
b. Raising taxes on imports for products Manufacturing (Food, Weapon, Gift and Moving Ticket) to 50%, to protect domestic products from a flood of foreign products.

Therefore, in this occasion allow me to nominate myself as a candidate for President in May 2010 to bring eThailand better.