I See Dead People

Day 1,147, 09:56 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

Recently, the USA has seens an abundance of eAmericans returning from the grave! Having spoken to one female eAmerican, I can say with confidence that the return of both Emerick and yours truely has her moist. Looks like it'll be a Rainy Sunday .

Like Dorothy to Oz, I have indeed returned. It's been a long six months, which resulted in my death on Christmas 2010 and my subsequent resurrection on January 5th. In my absence, I have learned ONE important lesson about this game...


I left because it was no longer fun. The game took control of my life. My work as PP dominated all my time and V2 seriously disappointed me. I am happy to see the changes in the actual game and thank the Admin gods for fixing a broken New World.

But one of the best things I have seen since returning is the fact that Haliman/SGGHays are running the Administration. This is great. It is always good to see fresh faces and fresh ideas. One of my greatest pleasures in the game is watching a younger eCitizen grow. I've seen it time and time again, but Haliman and SGG becoming CP/VCP is by far the greatest example of this. Without fresh faces, the game will stagnate. I hope this is a trend that will continue!

It is good to be back. But speaking of being back, I am wondering if I should bring back my old talk show. Let me know what you think.

As always, remember to
Take a sad song, and make it better!
Jude Connors
eRepublik's Favorite Hippie