I hate viruses + Day 1,078 Report

Day 1,078, 15:03 Published in Canada Canada by George Beeman

Like I said in the title, I hate viruses. That is the reason that I could not publish for about 2 weeks, as I would have to shut down my computer every 15 minutes.

Anyway, your Day 1078 Report:

(The Komodo Dragon, native to Indonesia, could prove fatal for US forces, as could multiple accounts usage, and tanking)

A RW was started in Western Australia, Indonesia, which failed. This comes after the Australians repelled 2 straight Indonesian advances in Northern Territory and South Australia, in 2 epic battles. The Americans, after taking eSerb region of Sarawak, attacked eIndonesia at Kalimantan and Sumatra. Indonesia remains the only nation in the entire world to never lose an original region; however, they have not really been challenged yet, as eAustralia simply doesn’t have the manpower or allies to pose a serious threat to eIndonesia, although Indonesia is draped in a shroud of controversy about multiple accounts usage, earning it the nickname ‘Multinesia’. The USA has many more citizens than Indonesia, and is likely more than a match for the Indonesians, whose goals are to conquer Karnataka, Pakistan. If the USA defeats them here, their already slim chances will be reduced to nearly nothing.

The Slovaks have succeeded in reconquering eAustria’s high grain region of Upper Austria, which, until recently, used to be an Italian possession.

(The redcoats are being slaughtered so far, but as the Canadians have yet to attack ‘Fortress London’, we don’t really know the power of the British forces)

The eCanadian forces have continued their conquest of the UK, holding Northeast of England from a RW, and attacking Yorkshire & Humberside. The war is as much about the battles as propaganda, with Canadians insulting the UK, calling it ‘Ungland’ and ‘Teabagland’. The UK has responded with ‘Blame Canada!’ and the like. We have yet to see if the Americans will hit France and move into the UK, along with Finland, who would take a more direct route into the country. If the Canadians go deeper into the UK, they will be within striking distance of the Netherlands, Belgium, and through the Netherlands, Germany. If they work on the western side of the island, and take Wales, they will have completely protected Ireland from a direct attack by the UK.

Russia launched RWs in Western Siberia and the more valuable region of Eastern Siberia.

(German resistance fighters attacking the Polish occupiers in Saxony)

The Germans have showed signs of life, attacking Saxony, Poland, after a joint EDEN invasion from Poland, Sweden, and Italy. The invasion also offered a chance for Denmark to regroup, and reclaim their country.

Republic of Moldova started resistance wars in Transnistria and Northern Basarabia vs Romania, who once ruled them in a 'super-nation' pact.

(Tackling the Brazilian bull will be tough for eSpain, who has 8 allies less than eBrazil)

The Spanish region of Aragon was secured vs France, stalling the French advance further into Spain. The Spanish struck back at both their French and Brazilian conquerors, attacking Navarra which failed, and was restarted in France, via RW, La Rioja, where fighting is feirce and equal at time of publication; and Madiera, which was attacked directly and the Spanish shall have to cope with Brazil's array of 18 MPPs. Hours before, however, the Portuguese tried to reclaim this region from their Brazilian PHOENIX ally, but Brazil held on.

As usual, this article was Printed In Canada.
George Beeman